This is a Valentine's Day inspired D.I.Y! Inspiring you to keep on crafting and of course reading.
Clip (Optional)
Clip (Optional)
Glue (Adhesive)
Card-stock (Preferably: Decorative)
Cardboard (Optional)
Decorative items (Paint, Markers, Stickers, Glitter, etc.)
1)To start, we will be making the stem of the bookmark. By either using a piece of card-stock or cardboard make sure it's thin, for example, I used the top of this sticker packaging.
2) Then, we will cut the stem to our desired size. Mine are 3 and 4.5 inches. I also rounded the edges.
3) Now its time to decorate the stem. By either painting it or by wrapping it in card-stock or decorative paper. I placed one of the heart foam stickers on the top of the stem.
Then, I decided that I wanted the stem to follow the hearts shape. So I cut around the heart like so…
4) I covered my stem with card-stock. If my stem was completely decorated I would be able to just leave my bookmark like this and you can too. I decided to continue.
4) Next, cut out a heart using an index card so we can have a consistent heart shape throughout the bookmark.
5) Trace this pattern on different colored, patterned paper, or card-stock. *I used the clip to help me cut the heart shape.
6) Now, we will place a piece of card-stock or a thin cardboard. This will help the page holder be more sturdy. Glue it in place.
7) Now, grab another piece of card-stock or thin cardboard that follows the same pattern as before and only glue the top part on the heart that we glued on first.
8) All we need to do is wait for it to dry and it will have a flap like this…
It will be able to clip on to your pages…
It's the same process as the first one, but I made a bigger heart. This one also has a page flap.
*I don't know if this is a called a"Page flap" =D.
Voila! Here is the finished results...
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