Heart Wreath

Valentines Day paper heart garland. 

Card Stock - Different colors & Patterns
Thing to decorate. Ex: Markers, Paint, Stamps.

-Measure your strips of paper depending on how much you want it to stick out and how big you want the garland. If you want he garland to stick out make the width thicker. If you want the garland shorter or longer it depends on the quantity of hearts.

1) Measure a strip of paper 1 in wide x 9.5 in long. 
2) Once you have all 12 strips cut fold them in half.
3) Now, you will decorate and figure out how you will like to place your hearts.
4) Once decorated you will fold both ends inward and you will glue them together.

5) Place a clip on the two glued ends to keep them together.
*Keep the 4 hearts on the top separate.

6) When all 12 hearts are glued and dried. Grab some glue apply on the side of the heart and then you will place another heart next to it. Clip them in place until dry.
7) Glue the last four pieces together. Then, on each side of the 4 piece hearts attach the ribbon with glue. Do it before you glue the 4 piece hearts to the rest. 
8) Let it dry. Voila!! You're done!

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