DIY Christmas Bows

This is a quick DIY! It's a great way to save money on bows or have customized bows.

You can make this bow in 12 easy steps
  • Paper
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • 1st Glue or Stapler 
  • 2nd Stick, E600, or hot glue

1. Make 1/2 inch markings on each side of the paper enough for 9 strips this will be the    width of the strips and connect the lines.
2. (Check chart below for 2 different measurements.) Cut and keep in designated group.
3. *Grab a strip and fold it in half. Unfold it and grab the top tip.
4. Fold it over towards the middle. Keep on top!
5.  Now the bottom tip. 
6. Place in towards the back. Keep in the back!  
7. It should look like the number 8. *Glue it together!
8. Now that you have all 8 strips folded like the number 8.  We have to use two of the biggest pieces stick it forming an X.
9. Now grab the last big 8 and glue it in between the X. Continue doing this from biggest to smallest. *Except smallest piece.
10. Tip: Use a pencil to help you place the smaller pieces.
11. Roll the smallest piece and glue it right on top.
12. Voila! You are Finished!


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